Earn 15 hours of CEUs through BOC, NASM and the APTA WA*
Improving the processes and principles encourages better reasoning and rationale behind decision making in the clinic. This is why we’ve created a 'Blueprint' at Rehab 2 Perform, to allow for the formation of reproducible procedures, individualized plans, and providing a framework for success.
The seminar will be highly valuable for all health and wellness professionals including, but not limited to: physical therapists, chiropractors, personal trainers, performance coaches, athletic trainers, sport coaches, physicians and more!

the foundational principles of reconditioning and why they reign supreme over methods

a pragmatic reconditioning blueprint with checklists and phases for systematic decision

key considerations during the return to participation, sport, and performance process
Want More? Bundle and Save $75+! Grab your seat for the Blueprints AND get started with the Foundations of Sports Online Course (Approved for 6 hours of CEUs*)!
Why Bundle? The Foundations of Sports Rehab is our Level 1 Course, and a Prerequisite for the Blueprints (Level 2). Support your Learning with more Resources through this self guided Online Course!
Early Bird Rate ends one (1) month prior to the first day of the course.
For Student Rate - You must currently be enrolled as a student. Transcripts to be emailed.
*Per the APTA of WA, no Course Pre-approval is needed, but guidelines must be followed. Learn More Here . This Course is Approved in 8+ other States.
The Blueprints Course is currently approved for 1.5 CEUs (15 hours) with NASM, BOC, and will be submitted for approval by the local/host site State APTA. *Subject to change
*The Foundations of Sports Rehab Online Course is currently approved in all 50 states for Physical Therapists, and by NASM for Continued Education Hours/Units. Further information can be found HERE